It's Over!
My withdrawal symptoms from lack of chef Anthony Bourdain on TV are over!
The Thin White Cook (apologies to Mr. Bowie for the bad pun) has a new show on the Travel Channel called No Reservations and it starts a week from Monday at 10:00!
More dry wit, exotic locales, amazing, wonderful and creepy foods!
You have a little over a week, folks. More than enough time to go out and get Kitchen Confidential and read it, cover to cover, leaving no lurid detail undigested (yes, "undigested" - a cheap-shot food referential, so sue me). Or, if you'd rather, the book A Cook's Tour about Mr. Bourdain's Food Network-documented trips around the world, in search of the perfect meal.
I'm giddy with excitement. I love this guy. So does Mr. ZigKvetch. We even went to Les Halles when we visited NYC once, our obsession with the man (who has eaten everything from a still beating cobra's heart to a deep-fried Mars bar) is so great.
So, take it from Tony (Yeah, we're pretty much on a first name/nickname basis. We're likethis, doncha know...) and:
- Don't eat fish on Sundays or Mondays.
- Don't eat seafood at Sunday brunches.
- Do order the "special" the next time you go out to eat (unless it's a Sunday or Monday).
- Eat without fear, close to the ground. Food should be an adventure.
- And watch the new show so we can discuss.
WHEE, I SAY! (Was that too much? I think it was too much. Um, sorry. Heh.)
I've met him! I have pics! Did I tell you this story?
A. Matt and I loved his show and Matt loved his book.
B. Megan, why do you get to meet all my favorites.
C. Great post!
NO! Megan tell all!!!
Steph, great minds think alike! And thank you!
I wish foodtv would replace that terrible Sandra Lee with his show. Stupid assholes don't know what they let go.
He was in town, so I went to see him speak. I set up a book signing at our store. He didn't show. I called his publicist and ripped her a new one on her voicemail. His escort called me 5 minutes later and said they were on the way...hee. He showed up at the store and said, "Megan? I AM SO SORRY." He signed all our books, and mine.
Authors answer to ME.
Anyhoo, I have pictures someplace. I'll email them to you.
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