Monday, July 04, 2005

Dream On

Such a dream I had last night!

I had a dream that my friends announced that they were pregnant with twins. This blew my mind because they already have 2 kids, and my girlfriend has said repeatedly that there was no way in heck she'd ever get pregnant again. I was astounded. By both the news and the, um, view. They announced this to a group of friends in the back room of their house which overlooked a gorgeous, dark, sparkling ocean. I wondered out loud (Nice. Apparently I have no tact whatsoever in dreamland) how they could afford 2 more kids and this incredible house overlooking the ocean, especially when they were already concerned about money. They just sort of shrugged. I would've kicked my ass, personally.

Next thing I knew, it was morning. I couldn't believe we'd all fallen asleep there. I ran home to Mr. ZigKvetch and woke him up to tell him the news. He shook his head, and we got ready to go to the beach behind our friends' house. This is where things get weird.

So, we're sitting there on the beach, and all of a sudden these dolphin-like creatures start jumping out of the water, all around us. Someone exclaims, "ooh! Air dolphins!" and as if on cue, the dolphins jump out of the water and sail over us, circling the beach before diving back into the water. Each wave brings more of them, and we're all oohing and ahhing. And then we see the biggest wave coming, and it's filled with the shadows of hundreds of creatures, but different from the dolphins. The wave crashes and...'s hundreds of former tv sitcom stars. The Bradys are there. The creepy girl who played that robot-daughter thing was there, all grown up. Ally Sheedy was there, but wasn't a sitcom star, but hey, let's go with it anyway. It was as if TVLand and Nick at Night had come alive. They all set up exhibits in a beach hotel conference area, and we could go through and meet them all. They even brought their own backdrops with photos and information.

And then I woke up. That'll teach me to eat a veggie burger with the works right before bed. Anyone who'd like to take a shot at analyzing that dream beyond veggie burger-inducement, will have my eternal gratitude.

Happy 4th of July, everyone!


At 8:29 PM , Blogger Flipsycab said...

Whoa--to quote Lawrence Taylor...

"kids, don't smoke crack."

Man,what a crazy-ass dream! Sounds like a wild ride! Water is a stabilizing energy force. Dolphins are symols of love/romance/partnership and the creepy robot girl (that the fucking family kept in the CLOSET when people would come over---hello!!) is a symbol of your ever expanding pop-culture knowledge. The news about the babies-I have no idea. What a wild ride!


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