Now Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Kvetching

Work is hell.
Or at least frustrating as hell, anyway.
Click on the Matt Groening cartoon to the left (unless you have crazy Superman eyes that can read tiny scrawl in a single bound). Which work scenario are you living? You don't want to know how much of that pertains to me. Oy gevalt!
And while we're on the subject, be sure to check out the finest in ironic cubicle humor here. Ok, yeah, the have a lot of office-joke-oldies-but-goodies but they also do this funny 13 Word thing that is adorable.
Case in point:
Definition #4 from last Wednesday-
Oyster - a person who sprinkles his/her conversation with Yiddish.
Besides, they seem like a couple of nice kids.
Peace. Oyster out.
Sigh...the work world...
I think it is a mistake of higher education institutions to separate themselves as they tend to do (glaring generalization) from the "real" world because it fails to prepare students for working life. They choose majors with ideas of changing the world, not realizing that they may never even change cubicles.
Perhaps the notion that everyone has to "pay their dues" allows us to accept the medocrity and tedium of less-than-ideal job situations.
Perhaps it's just fear.
Either way, it bites big boners at times.
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