Friday, April 22, 2005

Bug Battle Royale - Not for the Squeamish. Or is it?

Ok, here's a new tidbit about me: I am deathly afraid of little spiders. I've held tarantulas, and am fine with them (ok, I wouldn't want to wake up with one humping my face or anything, but I can deal with them in general), but smaller, scary looking spiders terrify me. Friends and family have witnessed my reactions to surprise spider encounters (they seem to know I'm a big fraidy cat and hunt me down) with everything from screams and trembling to wildly erratic evasive maneuvers and once, fainting.

But, this my friends, is too funny not to check out. My adorable friend Molly and her adorable husband Ben held an insect Battle Royale in their new home yesterday, and took pictures to document the action as it unfolds. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it was better than Cats. (Did I mention that their two gorgeous cats make guest appearances?)

So, even if you are terrified of spiders or bugs in general, I highly recommend you take a quick trip over to Molly's blog to check out the heart-thundering drama of...BATTLE ROYALE!


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