Thursday, July 21, 2005

Cookbook Meme- I've done been tagged

Oh sweet Megan, you were so right- I love this meme.

1. Total number of cookbooks I own: No idea. A million?

2. Last cookbook(s) I've bought: For Mr. Zigkvetch: The Complete Book Of Sauces by Sallie Y. Williams. Hands down the best sauce cookbook ever. For Daddy Zigkvetch: Soup! Soup! Soup!: Chinese Style by Mu-Ts'un Li and Mu-Tsun Lee. Dad and I love ourselves some Asian soups!

3. Last (food) book(s) I read: I'm not sure what the last food book I read was, but here are three I've received recently but haven't gotten to yet: Comfort Me with Apples: More Adventures at the Table by Ruth Reichl, The Saucier's Apprentice by Raymond Sokolov, and the ubiquitous French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating For Pleasure by Mireille Guiliano.

4. Five cookbooks that mean a lot to me:
  1. The Pillsbury Cookbook: This binder-style cookbook came out in the late 80s, I believe, and provided me with an easy guide to cooking wonderful cookies and meals while I was in college. Two of my favorite (and most requested, ahem) cookie recipes of all time came from this cookbook- Lemon Kiss cookies and Starlight Mint cookies. It's been out of print for awhile, and my original binder was in shreds. I was able to get a pristine new copy from an affiliate off of Amazon, and a tiny used (and abridged) paperback version off of Ebay. This cookbook is always the first place I look and is the cookbook equivalent to comfort food for me.
  2. The New Settlement Cookbook: This one is a family tradition. I've linked you to the newest edition, but I have an old edition from my Grandma Sylvia. When I opened it for the first time, I sat on the floor laughing and crying-- there's a long-forgotten, wonderful, sweet note from my Grandpa Julius to Grandma Sylvia just inside the cover. I tell you, it was like finding buried treasure. The recipes inside are hysterical-- everything from the old countries with "modern" twists. More gellatin and borscht recipes than you can shake a stick at. My mom received a copy when she married my dad, (Side story: My funny dad proposed to my mom over the phone by asking her if she could cook!) and used her copy a bunch when I was little. It's packed with old magazine clippings and lists of Thanksgivings gone by.
  3. A 5-ingredients (or less!) cookbook I got as a kid. It had 2 silver rings binding it together, and was printed on index-card-sized colored paper, and typewritten. This little "book" held the world's most perfect and simple peanut butter cookie recipe, which I made for any and every occasion in my youth. I especially loved to make these for my dad for his birthdays and Fathers' Day. Once, I made a GIANT peanut butter cookie, in the shape of a giant peanut, and I wrote on it with icing. And then there's the time when I went to make a batch for dad, and, to my dismay, found no eggs in the fridge. Not one to take failure as an option, I decided that since mayonaise had eggs in it as a main ingredient, I'd just use that in place of the egg. They were crumbly as heck, but surprisingly tasty!
  4. Two old Scholastic (you know, the books you ordered every month at school?) cookbooks that first taught me to love cooking-- even when I wasn't yet allowed to use the stove. I became an expert Ambrosia Fruit Salad maker. And learned that if you make cuts in a hotdog and toothpick the ends together, it will cook and stay in a circle and enable you to eat it in a hamburger bun (ker-azy, I tell you!).
  5. The Moosewood Cookbook by Mollie Katzen. I learned about the world of vegetarian cooking while in college. The cookbook had me at the spinach and bechamel lasagna recipe. Then there were the Buddah Balls, and so much more. Makes me think of living in our rented house; all 4 (*cough*psycho*cough*) roommates attempting to get together for dinner at least one night a week. Memories... like the corners of my mind... Misty watercolor memories... of the way we were... Scattered pictures... Ok, I'll stop now. Sorry.
5. Which 3, er, 4 people would you most like to see fill this out in their blog?
  1. Flipsy because she's a foodie too, and a vegetarian, so she'll have good stuff, no doubt.
  2. Suzanne because she's a foodie and always has a lovely way of describing things. (Besides, it's fun to force her to post non-boob reduction posts on her blog about boob reduction.)
  3. AmyCorinne because she's also a foodie and because this will (hopefully) force her to finally update her blog!
  4. Molly because she's good at doing memes and is a book hound who loves good food, as well.


At 12:37 PM , Blogger Flipsycab said...

Can't...stop...laughing...Buddha Balls...I'

Ok, I'll do it. (sighs in mock annoyance because sarcasm is also a sign of maturity)

Moosewood kicks ae-yuss!

At 1:47 PM , Blogger ZigKvetch said...

Dude, Flipsy, why do you think we made them for the first time!


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