Monday, August 29, 2005

Ok, hi, I'm back.

I haven't really felt like posting. I'll be honest. Any kvetch I had in me sort of fizzled out for awhile. But, I'm going to try to go back to posting a little more regularly again.

So, Beauty and the Beast has wrapped. It was so freaking fun. The music was fun, the people I played it with were fun, the cast was fun, the audience was fun. And I opened up this month's Jane magazine (I know, I know. And I agree that it's super-wicked lame now, as well. But I still kept hoping. We'll see how the new editor does.), and lo and behold, there's the BEAST, in a Toyota Corolla ad! I knew that he was going to be in an upcoming Toyota commercial, but I had no idea about the print ad. Mazel tov to him. He was outstanding in the production, and a sweet kid. I only wish I could've introduced him to my friend Paul (matchmaker, matchmaker make me a match... G-d, I'm so annoying).

I've been practicing into the wee hours of the night getting ready for an upcoming symphony audition. I'm actually more excited than nervous this time. For whatever reason, I'm not letting myself get ridiculously worked up over it. I do hope I do well, but I actually know and like the majority of the people I'm up "against," and I'd be thrilled if any of us won the gig. It would be nice though.

The job is still stressful, and I really need to find a way to shake the apathy I feel here sometimes. It's like I just shut down. Not good. It helped to have a long talk and belly-wrenching laugh after work on Friday with B and Mel. It's good to have friends. It helped that I introduced them to the wonder that is the Bikerfox.

I still have that damn shimmery spot in my right eye's vision. I'm going to wait until after the long weekend, and if it's still not gone, I'll call the doctor again. The ophthalmologist (I've become an expert at spelling this) found nothing and has assured me I don't have a brain tumor or anything. I dread going to see a neurologist. Eh, it's got to be my body's latest physical manifestation of stress. It joins the long line of weird, stress-induced body malfunctions I've had through the years. What's that? You want specific highlights? Why, sure!

  • There were the little head bumps I'd get and then compulsively scratch.
  • The "clicking," which I still get from time to time. I basically make a soft "t" or "p" sound with my mouth, compulsively. Hooray for embarrassing tics!
  • The butt ache. (Let's just leave it at that, shall we?)
  • The faux ulcerative colitis.
  • The hyper-OCD. Thank you, makers of Celexa. Bite me, Tom Cruise.
  • The anxiety attacks.

Ok, who wants to date me?! It's amazing I'm actually married, no?

Munchie is doing well. She is a freaking riot and cracks us up constantly. She's doubled in size since we've had her (eat, eat... you're too thin!), and has learned to use her litterboxes (one upstairs, one down) like the little furry champ that she is. She meeps at us constantly and loves to play with the 2 mice we bought her, who also meep. We know she is finally feeling totally at home because she now does the obligatory "YESSS! I POOPED! I FEEL SO FREE, I'M GOING TO ZOOM BACK AND FORTH LIKE A MANIAC" run, is playing much more, is getting less and less needy of us (sniff), and is showing more signs of her independence via a very teenager-like, "I will not be cuddled right now, GOSH!" attitude.

Speaking of independence, my seniors from last year have all left for college. Huzzah! I can't wait to start teaching more again.

I also can't wait to be visited by my dear friends Melissa (she's currently re-doing her blog) and Megan this coming weekend.

Other randomness:

  • I finally read Harry Potter this weekend.
  • I am really worried about all those people in the Superdome in LA. I'm worried about all the people affected by the hurricane.
  • The VMAs stunk and "Diddy" is a loser.

All right, this is the lamest post ever, but I had to re-begin somewhere.


At 3:11 PM , Blogger Skeezix said...

Lori-love, I've missed your blog. I'm glad that you are back.

At 5:12 PM , Blogger Flipsycab said...

Welcome bizack, Ms. Kot-tair! Don't fake it if you're not feeling it, I'm all for keepsin' it reals, but it's great to see you again. Why do I want to sing Simon and Garfunkel all of a sudden?

Gee but it's great to be back home
Home is where I want to beeee-eeee

At 5:13 PM , Blogger Flipsycab said...

P.S. The Cali blogger meet up will most certainly have to take place in the Bay, dude. The Bay is SOOOOOOOOOOO much cooler than the Pit-I mean, Los Angeles.

At 7:52 AM , Blogger Rachel said...

Your posts are a good read. I think you should try post, even if you aint feelin it. It might be that you post at work and its suffocating your creativity or something. I dont know- you mentioned apathy. I just want to read your posts damn it.

At 9:54 AM , Blogger ZigKvetch said...

You guys have no idea what your posts have done for my morale today. You guys are so freaking awesome.

Skeezy, thank you my friend.

Flipsy- SF Meet 2006 has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? I will have to take you to Greens where we will dine on elegant vegetarian cuisine while overlooking the bay! And bring on the Simon and Garfunkel! You shouldn't keep them bottled up.

Anne, you're welcome to come over and Munchie-sit anytime!

And RaRa! Where did you come from?! Hi!

Seriously, thanks you guys.


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