Stolen Listy Thing
I stole this from Amy (who stole it from Megan who stole it from someone else, and so on and so on and so on...) because it looked like fun.
1. Nervous habits? "Clicking" (see partial neuroses list below), eating, leg bouncing.
2. Are you double jointed? No, but I am quite flexible!
3. Can you roll your tongue? Yes, and I can also do that cool wave thing with it!
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? No, but I always think I can. I'm disappointed everytime I try it and then look in the mirror. Woe.
5. Can you blow spit bubbles? No, and that kind of makes me gag, so it's probably for the best.
6. Can you cross your eyes? Yes, and am in fact, typing this while crosseyed! Also? I'm sitting too close to the TV and running with scissors!
7. Tattoos? None. Did you know that it was against the Jewish religion? It is! It's also against Zigkvetch's Docrtine of Hating Pain!
8. Piercings? 3 in each... ear. (Really had you on the edge of your seat with that one, didn't I?)
9. Do you make your bed daily? Usually. I mean, one of us does. I can't very well make the bed with Mr. Zigkvetch's lazy ass still in it, now can I? HAHAHA! I keed, I keed...
10. Which shoe goes on first? Yeah, I have no idea. The shoe that I find first?
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? Possibly. But I prefer to throw melons.
12. On the average, how much money do you carry? Not much, and it's usually floating all over my damn purse. I have one of those exploding wallets like George from Seinfeld (that Seinfeld reference was just for you, Dad!)
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? My engagement ring and wedding ring, a Cape Cod bracelet, and a silver butterfly ring Mom sent me.
14. Favorite piece of clothing? Um, I guess my underwear that has hamburgers, shakes and fries all over them. Either that or one of my giant old v-neck tee-shirts. Ooh, or my sex-ay, dusty-rose colored MOCK TURTLENECK (tres chic, no?) cotton top.
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl, but please, no spoon. You're just insulting me at that point. Also, cut spaghetti? Feh.
16. Have you ever eaten Spam? Yes, but I've apparently blocked it out of my mind.
17. Do you use extra salt on your food? Sometimes. I love me some salt. Oh, and while we're on the topic? Sea salt (especially Fleur de Sel) on grilled asparagus with olive oil is the best thing ever.
18. How many cereals in your cabinet? I think we just have some instant plain oatmeal.
19. What's your favorite beverage? Soda water or a perfect margarita on the rocks with salt.
20. What's your favorite fast food restaurant? Probably Taco Bell. Yes, my head is hung low. Just call me Tom Dooley.
21. Do you cook? Yes, but I usually leave it up to Mr. Zigkvetch because he's waaay better at it than me.
22. How often do you brush your teeth? Twice a day. And yes mom, I floss.
23. Hair drying method? Either regular towel/air dry, or sometimes I stick my head out the window on the way to work.
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? I've had it highlighted a few times, and had pink hair and red hair in high school and college. Rather shockingly, I have only about 5 gray hairs!
25. Do you swear? Never. (Those of you who know me are laughing yourselves sick right about now)
26. Do you ever spit? No- it grosses me out. Especially people who really hock lougies. Gagging...
27. Animal? All, except for hyenas because on Animal Planet I learned that they secrete nasty, smelly goo on things. Double feh.
28. Food? Asian noodles. Soup. Especially Asian noodles in soup.
29. Month? Any month in which I'm not broke and haven't had anything bad happen.
30. Day of the week? Friday.
31. Cartoon? The Tick. I also love Family Guy and Aquateen Hunger Force. If you're talking old school, then Bugs Bunny all the way, man.
32. Shoe brand? Payless Shoesource, baby! Don't hate! Although, if I'm actually buying decent shoes, I love Zappos.
33. Subject in school? Quantum physics. No, that's just silly. All together now: BAND!
34. Color? Pink, purple, red, black (yeah, yeah, yeah, black isn't a color, blah, blah, blah)
35. Sport? Baseball. Especially RED SOX Baseball. Especially when we win.
36. TV shows? Food Network, MASH repeats (shut it), and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (shut it again), Anthony Bourdain's new show on the Travel Channel
37. Thing to do in the spring? Shop for new, springy clothes.
38. Thing to do in the summer? Stay in air conditioning.
39. Thing to do in the autumn? Buy wonderful, cozy fall clothes and cook soups and stews.
40. Thing to do in the winter? Wear wonderful, cozy fall clothes and eat soups and stews.
41. In the CD player? Uh, Howard Jones' Greatest Hits. No one is to blame, people.
42. Person you talk most on the phone with? My mom and dad. Jesus, I need therapy.
43. Reading? I just finished Harry Potter, and haven't started a new one yet. It'll probably be that Earthquakes book by Jennifer Weiner or Marquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude." How's that for ecclectic tastes?
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows/mirrors? To be honest, no, because sadly, I'm afraid to look. (I'm *so* getting a phone call from my mom about this answer)
45. What color is your bedroom? White, with dark purple curtains and an icky beige carpet.
46. Do you use an alarm clock? Yes, and even then I have a rough time getting up.
47. Window seat or aisle? Always window. I like sleeping.
48. What's your sleeping position? On my stomach or on my side. Or against an airplane window.
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? Yes, because the AC is on full blast.
50. Do you snore? Yes, which is why I don't sleep on my back.
51. Do you sleepwalk? Nope.
52. Do you talk in your sleep? Sometimes.
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Is Mr. Zigkvetch considered a stuffed animal? How about Munchie? And yes, my childhood Pooh bear sleeps at the top of our bed. Be forewarned that I will beat up anyone who gives me shit about Pooh.
54. How about with the light on? Not unless I fall asleep reading. Or if I have to get up really, really early in the morning.
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? Radio, classical station. Unless they're playing yet another G-dawful trumpet or clarinet concerto.
56. Last interesting person you met? I can't think of the last interesting person I've met, but I did talk to someone today that I didn't know very well, and found her very interesting because she's very sensitive, deep, and incredibly sincere.
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