Monday, February 13, 2006


I had a lovely weekend with Mr. Zigkvetch and some friends. We drove up to New Hampshire and all played in a private recital. We played in the most beautiful home I've ever seen- everything was designed to their specifications, and they had it built so that they could hold concerts in the house. They just had a bitchin' pipe organ installed last year! Out of control. It was amazing though, because as incredible as the home was, it still felt cozy and inviting.

The concert itself was a blast. The entire program was works by a Massachusetts composer, who we are all friends with. The guy is a freaking genius, and totally nice, to boot! I played his Sonata for Flute & Piano with him. The piece is a monster, and it's the first piece I've performed in recital in years! I was a mix of terrified/tense and exhilarated/grooving. It came off pretty well. I played a short piece on the second half, as well. It was lovely. We all (8 musicians!) stayed over at the house, and then drove up to hear Mr. Zigkvetch's quintet play the next day.

The drive home was a little terrifying because of the ice and snow, but it was kind of fun too- Mr. ZKvetch and I haven't exactly had a lot of time to chat lately, and we chatted, listened to my goofy mix-cds and laughed at a Dane Cook cd all the way home.

OH! And I almost forgot! I tried poutine this weekend, and people, it is food of the gods. Holy crap. When my Canadian friends first described the french fries in gravy and melted cheese dish, I was pretty skeptical. How wrong I was. It is the most comforting, delciously horrible for you comfort food ever. And I'm damn happy it's up north and far away from me, lest I become a 500-lb. poutine-eating monster.

I'm stressed and a little sad today. In the last 2 weeks, I've had 3 people tell me (directly or indirectly) that I'm "too nice." And not in a complimentary way- more like a "geez, you're annoying" way. I think I actually come off as a freak an awful lot of the time. I'm trying to figure out how to change this a little. I mean, I'm not going to become a raging bitch or anything, but maybe I need to hold back a little. Sometimes I want to slap myself, I'm such a goody-goody. Mr. ZKvetch just laughs when I tell him about this "too nice" criticism and says, "you're definitely not 'too nice' to me!" I don't know what the big jerkwad means. (Ha!)


At 7:27 PM , Blogger Skeezix said...

Aw, love, I think you are the right amount of nice. Even if you do hate me and refuse to respond to my emails anymore.

Actually, you are quite the bitch for freezing me out of your life like this.

At 7:29 PM , Blogger ZigKvetch said...

Dear Skeezix, I love you so very much. I'm sorry I haven't responded - I've been out of town recruiting and when I'm here, I'm swamped. When it looks like I'm on Camp or JBC? Yeah, I've signed on, but have it minimized, in case there's a chance I can take a look! I'm sorry! I promise (cross my heart- wait- can Jews do that?!) to e-mail you tomorrow and maybe even try to gmail chat!

At 4:04 PM , Blogger LE said...

Zig, I think I suffer from the too-nice syndrome as well, and I worry that I am too passive and get taken advantage of a lot. Tim always tries to cheer me up by saying people need nice folks like us in their lives, to care about them and not be jaded or cynical. We're good people!


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