FOUR Score and Seven Years Ago... I was tagged.
Four jobs I have had:
1. Voice of the School for the Arts Concert Line (I was the only one who could pronounce the composers' and performers' names)
2. Conservatory of Music Box Office Manager
3. Gap lackey (Hiyeee, and welcome to the Gap! Can I help you?)
4. Temporary Mystery Shopper (Don't ask. Really.)
Four movies I can watch over and over
1. Point of No Return (yeah, I don’t know why, either)
2. Grease (I know- I'm a walking cliche.)
3. West Side Story (Especially when I need a good, cleansing cry)
4. The Breakfast Club (WHO am I? Who AM I? Who am I? Oh, and when Claire gives Bender that diamond stud!)
Four places I have lived
1. San Francisco, CA
2. North Attleboro, MA
3. Walnut Creek, CA
4. Where I live now
Four TV shows I love
1. Beverly Hills 90210 (What can I say? I live for cheesy sideburns, proms, and Dylan & Brenda's lurrrve.)
2. M*A*S*H* (Hey look, it's MASH!)
3. Project Runway (Go Santino, you madly entertaining egoist!)
4. Made (My name is ZigKvetch and I'm an MTV junkie. Hi Zigkvetch!)
Four places I've vacationed
1. NYC (Honeymoon.)
2. Lucerne, Switzerland (actually, I was there to play, but it was still kind of a vacation)
3. Washington, DC (In 8th grade, but it still counts)
4. Monterrey, CA (With my Parental Units when I was a little kid)
Guess I should go on a vacation someday, huh?
Four of my favorite dishes
1. Anything with one of Mr. ZKvetch’s homemade sauces on it
2. Soup
3. Baked chicken with butter, herbs, lemon, etc.
4. Ensalata Caprese (tomato/mozz/fresh basil salad)
Four sites I visit daily
1. Gmail
2. Camp (group of friends)
3. JBC (group of friends)
Four places I would rather be right now
1. At home.
2. A beautiful, quiet beach- tropical or cold and craggy.
3. Not at work.
4. At Sephora.
Four people I am tagging
1. Suzanne
2. Bunnyrock
3. LE
4. Cilee